Upcoming Events
CASA informational Sessions-December 6th at 5:30 pm at our office located at 693 North Pope Street, Athens, GA.
Learn more and sign up here: https://www.athensoconeecasa.org/
Athens Oconee CASA's 2nd Annual Gala Oct 6th, 2023
Scan the QR code for sponsorship, tickets and/or to make a donation!
Or go to our event link!
Recent Events
04/29/2023 (rain date- 05/06/2023)
Score for Children Pickleball Fest for Charity
Please join us on April 29th (May 6th rain date) for our Pickleball Fest for Charity. This event, located at Jennings Mill Tennis Center, will help support Children First's mission to promote safe, stable, and nurturing living environments for children. You can play, volunteer, or sponsor this event. Please visit https://pickleballbrackets.com?FEST to register to play and/or volunteer and visit https://givebutter.com/pickleballfestsponsors to register to sponsor this event. There will be a Silent Auction as well that you can donate items at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8J4I4orL76c-IvSZhXW2cinWuNXzWbtQiiuORQOj9WOEaPA/viewform. Please message Kim Platt at [email protected] with any questions you may have. We hope to see you there!